Our fantastic and spooky 5th grade team!

Halloween fun in Mrs. Meeks' 5th grade class!

Halloween fun in Mrs. Johnson's 5th grade class!

Halloween fun in Mrs. Johnson's 5th grade class!

Halloween fun in Mrs. Johnson's 5th grade class!

Parents/Guardians: Click on the links below for this week's COVID data. This data reflects those out due to being positive or quarantined.

Beware. There's been a dinosaur reported that is running around at Madison School today...

Madison students learned about disability awareness through a presentation in p.e. class today. We are grateful for our local NICIL representatives for visiting and sharing with students!

Ms. Sherlock's class learning about skulls with a fun hands on activity!

A big thank you to our maintenance and custodial staff who've been busy making improvements to the Madison playground. Gaga ball is much safer now thanks to the installed rubber flooring and students have a new funnel ball shoot to try as well!

Hopefully the first of many awesome 4th grade Dixon Architectural projects! Lincoln's Log Cabin looking great!

Fall Fundraiser Pick-Up -
Fall fundraiser pick up will be Thursday October 28th from 1p-6p in the Madison Wrestling Room. Parents should use Door 15.

Our 4th grade students recently went on the Dixon Architectural Tour. A big thank you to our teachers, the Dixon Main Street and all those who volunteered making this opportunity for our students!

K-Kids, sponsored by our local Kiwanis club are selling "ghost pops" this week to support their charitable endeavors. Nice work K-Kids!

Parents/Guardians: Click on the links below for this week's COVID data. This data reflects those out due to being positive or quarantined.

Pictures from today's fall harvest on the DPS/SVCC Ag Land Laboratory. Thank you Kevin Larsen, SVCC, Ms. Durband, and Mr. Hodson for helping out today.

Kevin Larsen from SVCC provided information to DHS students regarding the fall harvest of the Brinton Avenue Ag Lab. Thank you Kevin and SVCC for this great partnership! #GoPurple #SVCCAg

Chromebook logons are changing for all schools. See the attached article for details.

Parents/Guardians: Click on the links below for this week's COVID data. This data reflects those out due to being positive or quarantined.

Did you know?
Good attendance at school is so critical to academic performance.
The current failure rate for Madison students who are here at least 90% of the time is .05%. For those here less than 90% of the time, the failure rate is above 10%.