Students getting ready to use the parachute in music class. Very fun!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
Our change drive for the United Way will start Monday, November 29th. Please send in change with your child to support this great cause! Check out our video kick off from Mr. Sagel for a note about a student incentive to participate!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
K-Kids (Kiwanis Club sponsoring) making tie blankets for our local animal shelter! Way to go!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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K-Kids (Kiwanis Club sponsoring) making tie blankets for our local animal shelter! Way to go!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Parents/Guardians: Click on the links below for this week's COVID data. This data reflects those out due to being positive or quarantined.
over 3 years ago, Margo Empen
Do you recognize these Dixon landmarks created by our 4th graders? Keep those great projects coming!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
DAP 10
Parents/Guardians: Click on the links below for this week's COVID data. This data reflects those out due to being positive or quarantined.
over 3 years ago, Margo Empen
Another great batch of Dixon architectural projects came in today. Nice job and keep them coming!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Halloween fun in Mrs. McPhillips' 4th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Halloween fun in Mrs. McPhillips' 4th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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More great Dixon architecture projects coming in! Keep them coming 4th graders!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
DA project 2
Halloween fun in Ms. Kurschner's 4th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Halloween fun in Ms. Kurschner's 4th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Halloween fun in Ms. Kurschner's 4th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Halloween fun in Ms. Kurschner's 4th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Halloween fun in Ms. Sherlock's 5th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Halloween fun in Ms. Freeman's 4th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Halloween fun in Ms. Freeman's 4th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Halloween fun in Mrs. Bork's 4th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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Halloween fun in Mrs. Bork's 4th grade class!
over 3 years ago, Madison School
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