Normal phone service has been restored to all schools. Please resume using the main numbers for each school posted on our website for each school building.

A power outage is impacting our phone service. Please use these numbers to reach our schools today.
High school 815-284-7723
Reagan & Madison 815-284-1711
Jefferson 815-284-7724
Washington 815-284-7727

We are currently having power issues at Madison Elementary and Reagan Middle School. We are working with local officials to rectify the situation. We will keep you updated.

We are hiring! #gopurple

Parents/Guardians: Click on the links below for this week's COVID data. This data reflects those out due to being positive or quarantined. Please contact your building nurse if you have questions or concerns.

Congratulations to Levi M., 1st place winner in the 3D category of the Dixon Architectural Contest. Awesome job!

Congratulations to Amaya Z., 2nd place winner in the 3D category of the Dixon Architectural Contest. Awesome job!

Congratulations to Grace C., 3rd place winner in the 3D category of the Dixon Architectural Contest. Awesome job!

Congratulations to Karley Y., 1st place winner in the 2D category of the Dixon Architectural Contest. Awesome job!

Congratulations to Lydia T., 2nd place winner in the 2D category of the Dixon Architectural Contest. Awesome job!

Congratulations to Conner L., 3rd place winner in the 2D category of the Dixon Architectural Contest. Awesome job!

Congratulations to our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in the Dixon Architectural contest! All 6 winners are pictured in the 2D and 3D categories. Pretty amazing work!!!

Parents/Guardians: Click on the links below for this week's COVID data. This data reflects those out due to being positive or quarantined. We did see an increase in our numbers this week.

Please remember to allow plenty of time tomorrow if you signed up for the IDPH/LCHD vaccine clinic. Wait times may be lengthy, so bring something to read and a snack if needed. The vaccine clinic is from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the DHS cafeteria. #GoPurple

Ms. Sherlock's 5th graders getting creative and getting their hands dirty making art with paper mache!

5th graders from Ms. Sherlock's class exploring the food chain with nature's decomposers, worms!

December 6-20 K-Kids will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate to our local food pantry. Please donate if you can! Thank you!!!

Parents/Guardians: Click on the links below for this week's COVID data. This data reflects those out due to being positive or quarantined. We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. School resumes tomorrow!

Laynie B. and Jenna C. being introduced at today’s Dixon Rotary Club meeting. #GoPurple #SuperStudents

Students getting ready to use the parachute in music class. Very fun!