Madison K-kids is sponsoring "Socks for the Sole". We will be collecting new, unused socks until Dec. 2nd. Any size and any color! The socks will be donated to the PADS shelter. The class who collects the most pairs of socks will win an ice cream party, so send in those socks!!

The architectural tour of Dixon is always a fun filled & educational day for our 4th graders.

More fun photos of Mondays festivities at Madison school!

Both teachers and students enjoyed the festivities yesterday.

Congratulations to our Super Hero Teacher of the Month. Ms. Printz took the prize for October and Mrs. Martin-Graber was our hero for September. Way to go ladies!

Hannah L. and Mekhi M. at Dixon Rotary Club today. #Bepurple #SuperStudents

Our 4th grade Dixon Architectural field trip is canceled tomorrow due to the rain in the forecast. We are working on getting it rescheduled and will keep you posted.

Miss Sherlock's class celebrates the end of the Ecosystems unit with owl pellet dissections!

The Illinois Retired Teachers Association Foundation (IRTAF) awards $36,500 in grant money to teacher Jennifer Freeman to fund an indoor garden. This will help teach agriculture, science, responsibility and healthy eating.

Sign ups are going on now for Woodlawn Arts Academy's production of School House Rock. This is a great opportunity for students to be involved in a theater production!

Grant and Harvest represent DHS at Dixon Rotary today. #GoPurple #SuperStudents

The newly elected K-Kids President, Parker K. and Vice President, Josephine R. pose with the scarecrow they made for the Dixon scarecrow festival.

Take a peek at the great things going on in Ms. Purlee's music class!

Younger children are not allowed to attend class parties. We appreciate your cooperation with this as we focus on creating a great experience for our 4th and 5th grade students. Thank you!

Student costumes need to be appropriate for the school setting. Weapons of any kind or fake blood are not allowed. Face painting or spray painting hair is also not allowed. We greatly appreciate your cooperation with this.

Our Halloween parties will be Mon., 10/31 at 1:00 p.m. We hope you're able to attend! Pre-registration is highly recommended to avoid long lines. Bring your driver's license by the school any time and have a name tag printed. All guests will need ID's scanned for admittance.

The Dixon Wrestling Club has opened the 2022-2023 sign-ups for all boys and girls grades K-5th. Practices are 2 nights a week starting the week of November 7th until February. Please follow the links to investigate and/or sign up your child. For questions, please email dixonwrestling@yahoo.com

Congrats to Mrs. Bushman's class and Mrs. McPhillip's class for having the best attendance for the month of September. Both classes are excited to have earned a hat day.

The DHS Homecoming Parade will take place Friday, September 30th at 3:30pm. The route is over Peoria bridge up to Second, over to Hennepin, back to First and back to Peoria! #gopurple

Principal Sagel introduced some of our wonderful young authors at this month's Board of Education meeting. #gopurple