Parents and Guardians:
On January 5, 2023, teachers will ensure that students will go home with the Holiday treats that parents and guardians so graciously provided before the Holidays. Teachers will provide special activities within their own classroom during a time that works within their individual classroom schedules. Staff look forward to parents and guardians having the opportunity to attend class parties for Valentine's Day. Please remember that January 5, 2023 is an early release day for School Improvement Planning.

Any students placed out of district will be off school tomorrow. The district will notify the schools that students will not be in attendance.

All Dixon Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, 12/22/22 due to the upcoming inclement weather. There is NO e-learning tomorrow. Please check our website/social media for updates during break. School resumes on Thursday, 1/5/23.

Congratulations to our Superhero employee of the month, Carissa Sotelo. Her students love her!

What kid doesn't love building a fort? Miss Printz's class earned a fort day and fun was had by all!

The Madison K-kids "Socks for the Sole" drive was a HUGE success! They donated 1,183 pairs of socks to the PADS shelter. Thank you to everyone who donated.

Cold and flu season is upon us! The school's guideline for returning after an illness is that the student should be free of vomiting and/or a fever for 24 hours. Thank you for doing your part to keep our school healthy.

You received a text today letting you know that bus 6 was delayed. It was delayed due to a minor accident. There were no injuries. Dixon Police responded to the scene and the bus finished its route as normal. Please contact your child's school with any questions.

We hope many of you can join us for our upcoming holiday parties! Please see the attached flier for details.

Ella G. and Jaxson G. at Dixon Rotary Club today. #BePurple #SuperStudents

Please see the attached fun learning opportunity with your child! Many thanks to Mrs. Bork for providing this!

The YWCA safe touch lessons have been rescheduled. They will now take place on 12/20 and 12/21. You may still opt your child out if you choose by sending a note to your child's teacher or our office. Thank you!

Stupor Bowl 2023 is scheduled for Saturday, February 11, 2023! Click the link for all the details and get your team ready.

The United Way change drive starts today. Please help Madison School win the prize by sending in that spare change!

We look forward to seeing everyone back in school tomorrow! Let’s finish first semester strong DPS! #BePurple #Thankful

Ms. Sherlock's class celebrates the end of the poetry unit by going to the Poetry Cafe! The students got to read their classmates poems and write compliments on each other's writing. 😊

E-Learning or Snow Days - What you need to know
At the start of inclement weather we discuss the use of E-Learning Days and Snow Days. At last night's Board Meeting, Mrs. Empen discussed the reasoning behind when each day is utilized. The information below explains for parents, guardians, students, staff, and the community the District plans moving forward when having to decide how to proceed if and when inclement weather arrives.
E-Learning Days: An e-learning day will be utilized districtwide when there is enough advanced notice that teachers can prepare appropriate learning materials for students to work on while at home. For students in grades Pre-kindergarten through grade 5, learning packets will be sent home with students in anticipation of an e-learning day. Pre-kindergarten through grade 5 students will utilize Seesaw for e-learning days as well. For students in grade 6-12, lessons and Zoom/Teams meeting times will be uploaded in Canvas prior to the 7:45 a.m. start time. E-learning days do not require adding additional days to the end of the school year.
Snow Days: A snow day will be utilized districtwide when there is not enough advanced notice for teachers to prepare appropriate learning materials for students to work on from home. When a snow day is called, students and teachers are not in attendance. Snow days are required to be made up utilizing the emergency days added to each year’s school calendar.
I will utilize our automated call and text system to announce plans on inclement weather days. Please make sure that phone numbers are updated in Lumen to ensure you receive the call or text. We will continue to notify local radio stations, television stations, our website and social media pages when inclement weather arises. The fastest way to receive inclement weather information is through our automated call and text system.

Great team building at lunch today at Madison! Congratulations to Mrs. Nelson who was the big winner of the chili cook off!

Madison K-kids is sponsoring "Socks for the Sole". We will be collecting new, unused socks until Dec. 2nd. Any size and any color! The socks will be donated to the PADS shelter. The class who collects the most pairs of socks will win an ice cream party, so send in those socks!!

The architectural tour of Dixon is always a fun filled & educational day for our 4th graders.