Parents/Guardians: Tomorrow, Friday, February 10, 2023 is the last day to take the Social-Emotional Survey from the Community Engagement Committee. If you haven't taken the survey yet, please click on the link below. We have had 734 parents and students participate so far. We will share information once the CEC has had a chance to analyze the data. Thanks again for participating!

The 5Essentials Parent Survey is open through March 31, 2023. Please go to www.dps170.org and click on the parent survey link, or click on this link to be taken to the survey https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent. The 5Essentials Survey information is used for our overall ESSA designation and in each building's school improvement plan. Your voice is important to us! Below are the parent survey percentages so far. Keep up the great work.
Parent response rates for Dixon USD 170:
Dixon High School: 1%
Jefferson Elem School: 2%
Madison School: 3%
Reagan Middle School: 15%
Washington Elem School: 2%

Miss Sherlock's class is having a ton of fun with crazy hair day!

Positive office referrals for Jay and Haley. Way to go!

The DPS #170 Community Engagement Committee is requesting that parents/guardians take our Social-Emotional Needs Survey to help us understand how we can support families. Click on the link below to access the survey. The survey will be open until 5 p.m. on Friday, February 10, 2023. Students in grades 5-12 will be taking the survey in the next few weeks. Buildings will be reaching out to inform you of the date, time, and ability to opt your child out. Please contact the District Office with any questions.

Scooter hockey madness in pe today! Looks like a work out! :)

Congrats also to our runner up and alternate Jack. Way to go!

Congrats to our spelling bee champ Brycen! He will go on to represent Madison at the regional bee. Way to go!

Down to the final 5!

The Madison Spelling Bee is under way. Tensions are high!

The Madison Spelling Bee will be live streamed tomorrow starting at 8:00. Check it out to see some amazing 5th grade spellers!

Please click on the link below for a statement from the Dixon Police Department and Dixon Public Schools. While this is being investigated, students and staff are proceeding safely with their day. We will keep you informed throughout the day as information is made available.

Matthew and Harry are DHS student representatives at Dixon Rotary today! #RotaryRocks #OutstandingStudents #BePurple

DPS #170 will be conducting law enforcement safety drills in each building starting in February. Buildings will be sending out reminders to families, one to two weeks before the drill. Please contact your building principal with any questions.

DPS #170 will be conducing law enforcement drills at each building beginning next month. Please click on the link below to read an informational letter from Supt. Empen. Buildings will send out reminder letters to parent prior to the drill dates.

1 more positive office referral from Ms Printz for our man Daniel! Great job!

3 positive office referrals from Mrs McPhillips! Great job to these kind students!

Great performance by the DHS band at our assembly today! We hope many of our students take advantage of these musical opportunities in their futures!

**PARENT REMINDER** If your student will be riding the bus home with a friend, it is required that we have permission from both sets of parents. If your student doesn't have a signed note from our office, the student riding with a friend will not be permitted on the bus.

The local Knights of Columbus are hosting a free throw competition for kids ages 9-14. The competition will take place at St. Mary's in Dixon on 1/15/23 with doors opening at 11:30. If you have any questions, please contact Luke Dixon at 815-973-2245.