Getting ready for choir fest performance with our talented 5th graders!
about 2 years ago, Madison School
choir kids
Stage and gym all set for a great show! Thanks to custodial for set up, our teachers who decorated, and for all our awesome performers for sharing their talents!
about 2 years ago, Madison School
Excited performers getting ready with Ms Purlee for Madison's got talent!
about 2 years ago, Madison School
music kids
Positive office referral for Elijah for exceptional kindness to a classmate. Way to go!
about 2 years ago, Madison School
kid award
The YWCA will be coming to do sexual abuse prevention lessons on Monday, March 6th. A letter will be going out today with more details. Please contact our office by phone (815-934-9662) or email ( if you would like to opt your child out. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Madison School
That's a good looking group of musicians! #madisonmighty
about 2 years ago, Madison School
Great first concert Madison beginning band! We are so proud of you! #madisonmighty
about 2 years ago, Madison School
Getting ready for the big beginner band concert! #madisonmighty
about 2 years ago, Madison School
Our beginning band concert is this Thursday at 6:30 pm at the Dixon High School auditorium. We hope many of you will be able to join us!
about 2 years ago, Madison School
band flyer
We have a special drawing starting for students whose parents take the 5 Essentials Survey. Please see the video below for details as well as the link to the survey. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Madison School
Trio of positive office referrals to start the day. Way to go gentlemen!!!!
about 2 years ago, Madison School
kids award
**TALENT SHOW RESCHEDULED* The Madison talent has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 2nd. Performers need to be checked in at 6:10. The show will start at 6:30. Come see our students and teachers showcase their talent.
about 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
Dixon Public Schools has been notified that duplicate notices are going out about school being cancelled today. We are removing those now. We are planning on being in session tomorrow.
about 2 years ago, Admin
Good evening. Dixon Public Schools calling to inform you that school will been canceled for tomorrow, Thursday, February 16, 2023. This decision is based on the information provided to districts from the National Weather Service. Tomorrow will be a snow day that will be made up at the end of the year. I thought it was important to make this decision tonight so parents can plan accordingly for their students tomorrow. Thank you and please be safe tomorrow.
about 2 years ago, Margo Empen
This evening's talent show has been canceled. We hope to reschedule soon. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Madison School
Dixon Public Schools is closed tomorrow (2/16/23) due to the impending inclement weather. WACC is also closed tomorrow. This is a snow day that will be made up at the end of the year. Be safe.
about 2 years ago, Admin
Positive office referral for Aniyah today. Keep up the nice work Aniyah!
about 2 years ago, Madison School
kid award
Ms. Sherlock's class celebrates Valentine’s Day with a trip to Hogwarts!
about 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
Parents/Guardians: Just a reminder that the 5Essentials Parent Survey is available until 3-31-23. Each building needs a minimum of 20% of its parents to participate. Click on the following link to access the survey. RMS parents are in the lead! Washington parents are a close second! Here are the parent response rates for schools in Dixon USD 170: Dixon High School: 3% Jefferson Elem School: 3% Madison School: 4% Reagan Middle School: 18% Washington Elem School: 11%
about 2 years ago, Margo Empen
Positive office referrals for Grant, Jayden, and Amelia. Keep up the nice work! We are proud of you!
about 2 years ago, Madison School
kid award
kid award
kid award