Parent reminder: If your child is going to be absent for the day, please make sure you call the main office by 9 a.m. Teachers cannot take call-offs, and a student could be marked as unexcused if they are not called off to the main office.
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
We are hiring! #gopurple
over 2 years ago, Dixon Schools
Now hiring graphic
Picture retakes for Madison school will be next Thursday, September 29th. If your student was absent for picture day or you are unhappy with their proofs, this is your only opportunity to have retakes done.
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
Miss Sherlock's class had lots of great questions for Officer Dempsey during their ALICE training.
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
We love positive office referrals!
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
Alexis R.
Gabe  & Lilly
ALICE stands for Alert Lockdown Inform Counter Evacuate. It’s a developmentally appropriate training for what to do in the event of an intruder at school.
over 2 years ago, Madison School
Dear Parents- I wanted to let you know that students have participated in ALICE training with the Dixon Police Department. This training took place yesterday and today in several classrooms. I apologize that I didn't send a previous notification and give parents the option to opt out of this training. That was an oversight on my part and I will take steps to ensure that doesn't happen again in the future. If you have any questions about the training, please give me a call. I was able to sit in with individual classes and would be happy to give you the details on what was presented. Thank you. Mr. Sagel, principal Madison School
over 2 years ago, Madison School
We are so proud of Miss Purlee for her selection as a Illinois Music Educator Association's Emerging Leader. We are lucky to have her as our very own. Bravo!
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
Miss Purlee
DPS #170 has been notified of a nationwide breach with Seesaw. We have currently disabled Seesaw until the breach is resolved. Please click on the link below for a letter from the Superintendent.
over 2 years ago, Margo Empen
Way to go Payton, Camille & Callie!
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
Positive referral
Student guests at Dixon Rotary today - Leah K. and Quentin S. #GoPurple #SuperStudents
over 2 years ago, Admin
DHS Students at Rotary
DHS Students at Rotary
Mrs. Sherlock's class learns some sign language in their free time.
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
Sign language
Mrs. Sherlock
Mrs. Bork's class made some new friends on their field trip to Liberty Court.
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
Liberty Court
Liberty Court
Liberty Court
Liberty Court
Positive office referral for Zain for working hard to catch up in Homework club. Way to go Zain!
over 2 years ago, Madison School
"Madison Mighty" t-shirt order forms are due tomorrow, September 8th. The cost is $15 and they are available in child & adult sizes.
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
We are currently looking for a Title 1 paraprofessional to work with students on reading and math intervention. If you or someone you know is interested, please have them call (815-934-9662) or email ( their interest to Mr. Sagel.
over 2 years ago, Madison School
Congratulations to the newest batch of positive office referrals. Way to go!
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
Lilliana, Andre, Raelynn, Gabe
Positive office referrals to Nate for service to his teacher above and beyond and for Sean for working hard on his writing. Way to go gentlemen!
over 2 years ago, Madison School
Would you just look at all these positive office referrals? Nice job!
over 2 years ago, Beth Nelson
A good day!
All smiles!
Positive referral
Positive referral
Correction: Homework club runs from 2:20-2:50. Please reach out if you would like more information!
over 2 years ago, Madison School