To any 5th graders interested in band: Packets of information are in the office and please contact Miss Almquist ASAP via This THURSDAY September 7 is instrument trials! Please sign up using the sign up genius or let Miss Almquist know if you can't make it.
over 1 year ago, Beth Nelson
Parents- Madison Homework club starts tomorrow 9/6/23. It will run Monday-Thursday from 2:20-2:50 in the library after school. To participate, students will need a ride afterwards. Unfortunately bus transportation from homework club is not available. If your child needs a quiet place to get homework done with assistance from a paraprofessional when needed, homework club may be for you! If you'd like your child to participate, please contact their teacher. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Madison School
Anyone who missed last nights 5th grade band meeting can watch it here.
over 1 year ago, Beth Nelson
Positive office referral for Zoey for being a positive leader in her classroom. Way to go Zoey!
over 1 year ago, Madison School
Positive office referral for Lucas for helping a peer out in class! Way to go Lucas!
over 1 year ago, Madison School
Don't forget about "Party in the Park" tonight. It will be at Wooden Wonderland from 4:30-7:30. This is an event put on by PTO. Enjoy popsicles, games, face painting and much more! Come join us for the fun.
over 1 year ago, Beth Nelson
Positive office referral for Liam for showing exceptional kindness to a classmate. Way to go Liam!
over 1 year ago, Madison School
Positive office referral for Mason for being a stand out student. Way to go Mason!
over 1 year ago, Madison School
Don't forget to join the Dixon PTO at the Wooden Wonderland tonight! Starts at 4:30pm
over 1 year ago, Dixon Public Schools
Flyer with trees and information about Party at the Playground
Any 5th grade student interested in Band- there will be a parent meeting in the RMS band room on Thursday August 31 at 6pm. You may enter through Door 6 on the Reagan side. This meeting will be approximately a half hour. Please contact Miss Almquist at Reagan with any questions.
over 1 year ago, Beth Nelson
Attention DPS Families. Please see attached letter from District Health Coordinator Sherry Hafer.
over 1 year ago, Dixon Public Schools
Flyer with instructions on illness protocol
First positive office referral of the year! Way to go Charlotte!
over 1 year ago, Madison School
Don't forget your Spirit Wear! Orders are due Thursday, August 31st.
over 1 year ago, Dixon Public Schools
Flyer with DHS shirts
Reagan / Madison Parents - Construction will continue up at the Galena crosswalk next week. Our crossing guard will be present to help assist students across that intersection. Paving will continue on Division and Fargo. Both roads will be open to travel and traffic flow will be directed by a flagger on the construction crew. Please plan accordingly and leave extra time for travel to our campus. Thank you for your continued patience.
over 1 year ago, Reagan Middle School
Young Author's Night for grades K-8th will be held on September 11th at 6:30pm in the Reagan Middle School cafeteria. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
over 1 year ago, Dixon Public Schools
Flyer with books from young authors
Young Author's Night for grades K-8th will be held on September 11th at 6:30pm in the Reagan Middle School cafeteria. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
over 1 year ago, Dixon Public Schools
Flyer with books for young authors
Mrs. Chattic's class is having a lot fun working on a fall art project.
over 1 year ago, Beth Nelson
Aide & Student
Chattic student
Sharing information from our friends at the Florissa Center. Contact Janet at 815-288-1905 with questions and to register by September 13th, 2023. Flyers are attached.
over 1 year ago, Dixon Public Schools
Flyer with smiling kids and sign up instructions
Flyer with students and sign up instructions
Any 5th grade student interested in Band- there will be a parent meeting in the RMS band room on Thursday August 31 at 6pm. You may enter through Door 6 on the Reagan side. This meeting will be approximately a half hour. Please contact Miss Almquist at Reagan or her email at if you have any questions or are not able to make it.
over 1 year ago, Madison School
Tools For School was a success! On August 10th, through rainy weather and construction, we distributed over 500 backpacks with supplies for students around the district! Thank you to all who participated; this was one big step in creating a brighter future for our youth.
over 1 year ago, Dixon Public Schools
Banner with school supplies
Picture with Mandy Dallas directing students
Smiling students with their school supplies