Art projects are always fun in Mrs. Chattic's class.

Dixon Public Schools is having their Regular Board Meeting on Wed., Sept. 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Board Room at the District Office, 1335 Franklin Grove Road.
The meeting will be recorded and posted on the District’s YouTube channel and website. Those wishing to submit public comment need to email them to the Board President, Linda Wegner and to the Superintendent, Margo Empen, by Noon on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023. Public Comment received after this time may not be guaranteed to be read aloud at this meeting.

Reagan/Madison School's Fall Book Fair is coming September 25th-October 2nd! It will be located in the RMS/Madison Library. Flyer and link attached https://www.scholastic.com/bf/rmsmadison

Katie D. and Sam Z. at Dixon
Rotary today. #BePurple #SuperStudents

Any 5th grade students signed up for band, don't forget about the super lesson this Wednesday, September 20 at 6pm in the RMS Band Room. Enter through Door 6 or Madison. If you have your own instrument already, please bring it with you. Contact Miss Almquist at aalmquist@dps170.org.

Sharing information from our friends at Woodlawn Arts Academy. Shrek The Musical Jr. is coming January 12-14th, 2024! Madison and RMS students may register by visiting their main office in Sterling or calling 815-626-4278. Online registration is unavailable. Flyers are attached.

Positive office referral for Owen for being super responsible making up all his work when he was out sick. Way to go Owen!!!

Sharing information from our friends at Woodlawn Arts Academy. Shrek The Musical Jr. is coming January 12-14th, 2024! Madison and RMS students may register by visiting their main office in Sterling or calling 815-626-4278. Online registration is unavailable. Flyers are attached.

Sharing information from our friends at Woodlawn Arts Academy. Shrek The Musical Jr. is coming January 12-14th, 2024! Madison and RMS students may register by visiting their main office in Sterling or calling 815-626-4278. Online registration is unavailable. Flyers are attached.

Sharing information from our friends at Woodlawn Arts Academy. Shrek The Musical Jr. is coming January 12-14th, 2024! Madison and RMS students may register by visiting their main office in Sterling or calling 815-626-4278. Online registration is unavailable. Flyers are attached.

Attention DPS Families! Tomorrow, September 13th is a half day of school. All students will be dismissed at 11am.

We are still Hiring! Updated with a new position! Come join our team! #gopurple apply.dps170.org

Congratulations to all our Young Author Award winners! We are so proud of you!

We are Hiring! Come join our team! #gopurple

Any 5th graders that are still interested in band, please contact Miss Almquist at aalmquist@dps170.org to get your student tested for an instrument during the school day this week.
Those that have already signed up, please make sure Wednesday September 20 at 6pm is on your calendar for the super lesson!

DPS Foundation Announces Teacher Grant Amount! This morning, Tom Wadsworth, DPS Foundation President, announced $58,000 is available for teacher grants for this school year. Click on the link below for the announcement! #BePurple #DPSFoundation#1

9-7-2023 - 10am - District phone service has been restored to normal service.

Positive office referral for Abraham for kindness, respect, and great manners! Keep up the great work Abraham!

We have an outage with our incoming phone lines. Our old numbers are online as a backup, please use them to contact us today, 9-7-2023.
District Office 815-284-7722
High School 815-284-7723
RMS/Madison 815-284-7725
Jefferson 815-284-7724
Washington 815-284-7727

To any 5th graders interested in band: Packets of information are in the office and please contact Miss Almquist ASAP via aalmquist@dps170.org. This THURSDAY September 7 is instrument trials! Please sign up using the sign up genius or let Miss Almquist know if you can't make it.