Tools For School was a success! On August 10th, through rainy weather and construction, we distributed over 500 backpacks with supplies for students around the district! Thank you to all who participated; this was one big step in creating a brighter future for our youth.

We will be inside for lunch recesses Tuesday-Thursday due to the heat. We hope to get students outside in the morning for recess while it is a bit cooler. Stay cool and hydrated!

Attention DPS Families! Come join the Cub Scouting Event - Pack 85 on Thursday, September 7th from 6-7pm. This is for Boys and Girls grades K-5th. The location is Lincoln Elementary on 501 S. Lincoln Avenue. Flyer is attached.

The #1 Youth Motivational Speaker Jordan Toma will be speaking at LCSEA and Dixon Public Schools on October 2nd and 3rd. Flyer is attached.

#1 Motivational Youth Speaker Jordan Toma will be speaking at Lee County Special Ed and Dixon Public Schools on October 2nd and 3rd. Flyer is attached.

The 4th grade team is ready for a fantastic school year! They look like a fun bunch.

Attention DPS Families! WACC and Surf Internet are partnering with PCs for People to give away free PCs! Go to WACCfreepcs.com to register. Please view the flyer attached to see if you meet the eligibility requirements.

Reagan/ Madison Traffic Alert
Due to construction surrounding Reagan Middle School, please utilize the following routes of entry to the school over the next few days:
§ Wednesday, August 16th - Use Division Street from Galena, Fargo, or Eastern Avenue to Division to access Reagan/Madison
§ Thursday, August 17th - Fargo will be closed, use Division Street from Galena or Eastern Avenue to Division to access Reagan/Madison
§ Friday, August 18th - West Division will be closed from Galena, use Fargo or Eastern Avenue to Division to access Reagan/Madison
Please allow extra time for travel over the next few days. The crews are working hard to finish our Safe School Route. Thank you for your patience!

Please see important updates of how construction will impact roads accessing Reagan and Madison this first week of school:
Wednesday, August 16th - Use Division Street from Galena, Fargo, or Eastern Avenue to Division to access Reagan/Madison
Thursday, August 17th - Fargo will be closed, use Division Street from Galena or Eastern Avenue to Division to access Reagan/Madison
Friday, August 18th - West Division will be closed from Galena, use Fargo or Eastern Avenue to Division to access Reagan/Madison

Dixon Public Schools is having their Regular Board Meeting on Wed., August 16, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Board Room at the District Office, 1335 Franklin Grove Road.
The meeting will be recorded and posted on the District’s YouTube channel and website. Those wishing to submit public comment need to email them to the Board President, Linda Wegner and to the Superintendent, Margo Empen, by Noon on Wednesday, August 16, 2023. Public Comment received after this time may not be guaranteed to be read aloud at this meeting.

For families who have registered their child, bus information has been posted to the Lumen Parent Portal. Please go to the portal, login, and check the information. If you have not registered or have any questions, please contact your child's school. #WelcomeBack2School

Sharing information from our friends at the Dixon Parent Teacher Organization. Party At The Playground starts on August 31st from 4:30-7:30pm. Splashpad, Food/Drink Trucks, Dunk Tank and more! Flyer is attached.

The DPS #170 Opening Day Institute Meeting/Breakfast for all staff will begin at 7 a.m. tomorrow, Monday, August 14th. With the current road construction occurring around Madison and Reagan, please take Division Street or Eastern to get to the building. The entrance drive is back open. Parking is located in the back of the building and in designated spots. Please avoid parking in the neighborhood area where work is being done.

Sharing information from our friends at The Dixon Theatre. Registration is still available for the Fall shows. The Dixon: Kids ages 5-10 show is 101 Dalmatians. The Dixon: Young Actors ages 11-18 show is Hello, Dolly! Click here to get registered https://dixontheatre.com/childrens-theatre-fall-registration/

Sharing information from our friends at The Dixon Theatre. Registration is still available for the Fall shows. The Dixon: Kids ages 5-10 show is 101 Dalmatians. The Dixon: Young Actors ages 11-18 show is Hello, Dolly! Forms are attached.

Attention families arriving at RMS today for Tools For School. Asphalt is being laid in front of the school. Please use caution as you are coming down the hill. You may have to enter and leave through the exit to gain access to the building.

District and building administration learning about leadership coaching and creating our best environments and communication opportunities.

The first day of school is approaching and we are finalizing transportation information. If you have not registered and filled out your transportation form, please contact your school. As a first step in the notification of bussing information, we want you to know that there have been minimal changes to the bus routes. If your child has ridden the bus in the past, you should plan to be on the same route, with the same stops, at basically the same time. Please be at your bus stop early on the first day of school. For your reference, the shuttle schedule has been posted to the website and is attached to this message. https://www.dps170.org/documents/parents-%26-students/transportation/492114 Your bus assignment should be posted to the Lumen Portal by Monday, August 14th.

K-5th Grade Class Lists will be posted Monday, August 7th at 3PM on Door 1 of each elementary building for the 23-24 school year. Flyer is attached.

Please register your student online or in-person by this Friday, August 4. K-5 class lists will be posted on the front door of each elementary building by 3 pm on Mon., Aug. 7. If your student isn't registered by Friday, they will be placed on a class list when school starts.