Kudos to our amazing Madison staff for all their hard work in making this happen!

Catch tonight's girls varsity bowling match against the Kewanee Lady Boilermakers from Plum Hollow at 4 p.m. The DHS Broadcasting team will be streaming live here: https://youtube.com/live/fRSq19lt4vk?feature=share

Dixon Public Schools is having their Truth in Taxation Hearing, Working Cash Fund Bonds Hearing, and Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2024 at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be recorded and posted on the District's YouTube channel and website.

The Broadcasting Club will be live streaming tonight's boys varsity bowling match against Rock Island from Plum Hollow at 4 p.m. Catch the stream here: https://youtube.com/live/Fz0nUXYML84?feature=share

Dixon High School Madrigals sing Dixon
Rotary Club into the holiday season! Great job! #Bepurple

Congratulations to Wyatt Miller on breaking the individual school record bowling a 1,463 at the LaSalle-Peru invite on Saturday, December 14th, 2024! #gopurple #bepurple

Don't forget about our holiday dress up days this week!

Watch the Duchesses take on the Winnebago Indians in a Big Northern Conference matchup tonight at 7 p.m. from Lancaster Gymnasium. Join the DHS Broadcast Club for the live stream at: https://youtube.com/live/VC3dutsD7BE?feature=share

They bring you the action live when you can't make it! Congratulations to the DHS Broadcasting Club on their first big milestone of eclipsing 500 subscribers! Go to their page and subscribe if you haven't already and show them your support! https://www.youtube.com/@DHSBroadcastingClub #gopurple #bepurple

Coverage of tonight's triangular wrestling meet between Dixon, Fulton and Alleman will begin at 6 p.m. from The Pit. Join the DHS Broadcast Crew at: https://youtube.com/live/_1WXWgs7NlE?feature=share

A message from Dixon PTO...
We are looking for volunteers for our Winter Wonderland on Saturday. Can YOU help?

Sharing information from our friends at ROE #47

Please see the attached flier about Pre-K through 5th grade Holiday Dress Up days!

The Broadcasting Club will be back at it tonight over at Lancaster Gymnasium to bring you the boys varsity basketball game against Rochelle at 7 p.m. The game will be live here: https://youtube.com/live/ngxuzdnxO98?feature=share

At 4 p.m. DHS boys & girls varsity bowling teams will be taking on Rochelle at Plum Hollow Lanes. The broadcast club will have the action live here: https://youtube.com/live/1lGEYlZDsw8?feature=share

District Office currently has no phones or internet. We have been notified that crews are working to restore these services near us. Please contact a building to get any messages to us. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Attention DPS Families! The deadline to buy tickets for the Madrigal Dinner and Concert has been extended to this Wednesday, December 11th. Click the link below or scan the QR code to purchase https://forms.gle/JRQU4j3CmTXsDbWQ8

A Message from PTO...
Please join us via ZOOM tomorrow evening December 10th for our December PTO meeting.

The Kiwanis Kids winter clothing drive will end on 12/13. Sadly, we only have one box of stuff. We are looking for new or gently used hats, gloves, mittens or coats. Items can be dropped off at the Madison office. Please help if you can!

Satuday Shootout! DHS Broadcasting crew will be bringing you Duchesses Basketball game against St. Bede Academy live from Lancaster Gymnasium at 1:30 p.m. Watch the game here : https://youtube.com/live/X_MVwvxwvFw?feature=share