Are you coming to Madison School for the Halloween parties on Thursday? Is your child missing a sweatshirt or jacket? If you said yes to either of these questions, please check our lost and found. It is overflowing!

Duchesses Advance! The DHS Broadcast Club will again be live streaming tonight's varsity volleyball match this time against Lasalle-Peru. Catch the action at: https://youtube.com/live/pcG6znRGbuk?feature=share

The DHS Broadcast Club will be live streaming tonight's varsity volleyball match against Rochelle. Join the team at: https://youtube.com/live/e8MgmOsE-TQ?feature=share

The Kiwanis Kids Club will be selling ghost pops on Tuesday and Wednesday morning this week in front of the Madison gym. They are $.50 a piece. All proceeds will be donated to a local charity. Bring your quarters, get a sweet treat and support a worthy cause!

Attention DPS Families! Please read our newest article on the presentation that Tom Wadsworth will be giving on December 3rd in the James A. Wiltz Auditorium https://www.dps170.org/article/1840848

Congrats to our Madison students of the week last week and this week!

Attention DPS Families! Please see the attached flyer for ticket information to the 2024 IHSA Girls Volleyball Regional at Dixon High School in Lancaster Gymnasium starting 10/28/24 at 6PM.

I wanted you to be aware that 1st quarter report cards are coming out tomorrow. They will be emailed to you and a printed copy will come home with your student. Please review your child's progress and contact your child's teacher with any questions.
Thank you!

Join the Dixon Broadcast Club as we stream the last Varsity Volleyball game tonight against the Winnebago Indians at 6 p.m. Catch the action at: https://youtube.com/live/GlpdOLjlRX4?feature=share

We are Hiring! Please click the following links and navigate to the desired position to fill out an application.

Attention DPS Families! Please click the following link to read the newest article about the transition from Arbor Food Management to Whitsons Culinary Group. https://www.dps170.org/article/1832660

Miss Shuck's class had fun painting pumpkins!

Dixon Public Schools is having a Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. The meeting will be recorded and placed on our website. Those wishing to submit public comment need to email them to the Board President and the Superintendent by Noon on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. Public Comment received after this time, may not be guaranteed to be read aloud at this meeting.

A Message From Dixon PTO about their Fall Fundraiser...

Battle of the Unbeatens! Join the DHS Broadcast Club live from AC Bowers Field as the Dixon High School Varsity Football team takes on the Byron Tigers in a game that will decided the conference tonight. Watch the stream here: https://youtube.com/live/x5NeRW0qTYo

Watch the varsity volleyball team take on Genoa-Kingston tonight, live from Lancaster Gymnasium at 6 p.m. Catch the stream at: https://www.youtube.com/live/q301qLd9tic

It's Senior Day for the Boys Varsity Soccer Team! The DHS Broadcasting Club will be out live streaming the festivities as well as the match against Riverdale at 9:30 a.m. Catch the action at:https://youtube.com/live/Rv1pMKOSIeM?feature=share

Dixon Public Schools is having a Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be recorded and placed on our website. Those wishing to submit public comment need to email them to the Board President and the Superintendent by Noon on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. Public Comment received after this time, may not be guaranteed to be read aloud at this meeting.

Attention DPS Families! Please see the attached flyer for information about the Open House next Saturday, October 19th, 2024!

Attention DPS Families! There is no school on Monday, October 14th, 2024.