Our climate and culture task force is working to improve attendance this year. Classes are encouraged to post a scary selfie on our board on days they have everyone here. Thanks to our task force for the creative idea!

Throughout the month of October, we're hosting the United Way - Kids Helping Kids Coin Drive, and we need YOU to help make a difference! The class at each elementary school that collects the most money will win a sweet treat: delicious Culver's custard! 🍦
Every coin counts, and all funds raised will support organizations in our own community, including Dixon Public Schools. Let’s come together, spread the word, and get those containers filled! 🏅💪

Attention DPS Families! Parent Teacher Conference Sign Ups are now live. Please click this link and choose your students appropriate school(s) to secure your slot today. https://www.dps170.org/page/parent-teacher-conferences

Attention DPS Families! Please see attached flyers for fundraising information that helps support Dixon PTO.

Come out to McDonalds to support Dixon PTO from 4-8!

Dixon Public Schools is having a Special Board Meeting on Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. The meeting will be recorded and placed on our website. Those wishing to submit public comment need to email them to the Board President and the Superintendent by Noon on Thursday, October 3, 2024. Public Comment received after this time, may not be guaranteed to be read aloud at this meeting.

The DHS Broadcast Club will have a second live stream this evening at 6:00 p.m. of the DHS varsity volleyball game as the Duchesses will take on the Rockford Lutheran Crusaders. Catch the action live at: https://youtube.com/live/EJ9AjF8szSw?feature=share

Join us this afternoon as the DHS Broadcast Club streams the Dixon boys varsity soccer game against the Mendota Trojans at 4:30. You can watch live here: https://youtube.com/live/n5Pz1liuO5k?feature=share

Attention DPS Families! Tonight is McTeacher Night! Go to McDonalds from 4-8pm and all proceeds will be used to fund class field trips and other activities!

The DHS Broadcast Club is going to live stream tonight's Homecoming varsity football game at AC Bowers field. Game time is 7 p.m. and you can join us here: https://youtube.com/live/4RoV4y_sxmE?feature=share

Attention DPS Families! Next Tuesday is McTeacher Night! Go to McDonalds from 4-8pm and all proceeds will be used to fund class field trips and other activities!

Thank you DHS' Cafe Royale for the special delivery to today's Board of Control Meeting. #BePurple #Thankyousuperstars

Principal Sagel talked about our Young Authors program and presented 2 of our student authors to the Board of Education at the September Board Meeting. #gopurple

PreK-5 Spirit week continues with Super Fan day!

The DHS Broadcast Club is live streaming tonight's varsity volleyball game from Lancaster Gymnasium. Game time is 6 p.m. and can be found at: https://youtube.com/live/Z4pJDKFz2uo?feature=share

K-5 reminder for tomorrow's spirit day!

Dixon Public Schools is having their Budget Hearing and Regular Board Meeting on Wed., September 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be recorded and posted on the District’s YouTube channel and website. Those wishing to submit public comment need to email them to the Board President, Linda Wegner and to the Superintendent, Margo Empen, by Noon on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Public Comment received after this time may not be guaranteed to be read aloud at this meeting.

We have an old piano no longer in use at Madison. If you could use it and are willing to haul it away, we are selling it for $100 or best offer. Please email Mr Sagel at jsagel@dps170.org if you are interested.

DPS 170 was just notified that DFD stated there is no residual smell at RMS and Madison. School is in session today and we can't wait to see you!

Congrats to Madison Students of the week for last week and this week! Keep up the great work!