Joey reads

Should I keep reading aloud to my 4th and 5th grade children?

                I could easily make the argument that reading aloud to your child is the single most important thing you can do as a parent to support them in becoming a great student.  Research shows many benefits to reading aloud to our children well into elementary school and beyond.  Reading aloud builds a child’s vocabulary, background knowledge, reading comprehension, and use of reading strategies while being a great bonding experience between parent and child.  Check out the article below sharing more specifics on all of the great benefits of reading aloud at home (this is also very true in the classroom as well!)

What should I read to my child? 

                There is no wrong answer.  Try to pick a time that works for you most days (no one is a perfect parent).  Anything your child finds interesting is a great place to start.  While there are many great books out there to recommend, it will be unique for each child.  Reading magazines, newspapers, or interesting information online could be another avenue to pursue if you have a tough time finding the right book.  I would also recommend looking for award winners at your school or local public library.  The “Blue Stem” award nominees are published every year within Illinois and identify the best books that year for 3rd-5th grade with student votes picking the eventual winner.  If you pick up a Blue Stem book from the library to read to your child, chances are that it is a great book!

Joey Sagel

Principal, Madison School